inverted rolls

That was beautiful Jon. Did you get oil on the canopy?, and I'm sure you could smell it when you flew through the smoke. Keep'em coming, and thanks.
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
lower AL;)
When I run the tail cam I have to position out of the smoke, otherwise the camera lens gets blurred, and the canopy does get messy!
Windshield washer.

Jon, I have a windshield washer on my Air Tractors. I have a small one gallon tank and use a 50/50 mix of denatured alcohol and water, fed to a T shaped spray bar made from 1/4" aluminum tubing with several 1/16" holes drilled in it, mounted at the windshield base. Works like charm and comes from the factory. We have chemicals like Roundup and urea that hang forever and cloud the windshields badly.

Jon, I have a windshield washer on my Air Tractors. I have a small one gallon tank and use a 50/50 mix of denatured alcohol and water, fed to a T shaped spray bar made from 1/4" aluminum tubing with several 1/16" holes drilled in it, mounted at the windshield base. Works like charm and comes from the factory. We have chemicals like Roundup and urea that hang forever and cloud the windshields badly.


Oh great Pierre! More plumbing!:D. I think if I was going to do alcohol/water, I'd want to inject it somewhere more fun, like the primer ports maybe???
Of course now that I think about it, a windshield washer would be pretty doable.
I see you've been working on doing "real" aileron rolls. :D You can do some cool stuff with just 2 ships. One of coolest formation acro maneuvers I've seen was a 2-ship hammer I saw Rob Holland and Matt Chapman do, but which is totally within the performance capabilities of the RV. Both airplanes pull vertical on the Y-axis (perpendicular to the crowd line), at show center in line abreast. Wing makes a depth adjustment after pulling vertical. Wing continues a plain vertical line while lead does a half vertical roll. They kick for the hammer at a higher than normal speed for a little "flyover" effect as the airplanes pivot in opposite directions (as viewed from the ground), causing the planes to cross over each other. From the Y-axis, it's hard to tell how far apart the airplanes are in depth when they cross, which makes for a dramatic effect. The RV can do a 1/2 vertical roll easy. :)
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Pretty dang cool!

That was a pretty neat video! I love what you guys are doing! Keep that video comming!
Great show

P-51's, F4U's, T-6's, a J-3 flying Alabaman routine, Koontz in his Super Decathlon, B-25, some Yak's, some T-28's, a Pitts S2B(great guy), an L-39 and a pair of beautiful RV's - and great weather - a flyer's paradise in Monroe this past weekend and good attendance to boot! Thanks for coming down and representing the VAF so well - hope that got you your signoff! Whose was that Rocket parked in your corner?