Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
This morning I went into the garage to get something out of the freezer and glanced at a wall where all the drawings of the various paint schemes we considered for our plane still hang. There are many of them to say the least. Of all the pictures there are a couple that make me smile every time I stop to look them and remember the fun that we had coming up with them.

For a while I was considering a paint job similar to ones I had seen on funny cars, rails, and even drag boats in past years. Without dragging this out to long there have been some extremely beautiful paint jobs that were pink. Now the first thought is likely "Oh my God, pink?" Well yes, and what I was envisioning in my minds eye is actually so hot it crosses the line and is actually very masculine and fast looking. The problem however would be to convey what I envisioned into a paint job that didn't get me laughed at everywhere we flew. My worst fear was to end up with the wrong pink paint scheme and spend the rest of my time RVating apologizing and being embarrassed. So I watched for any use of pink on a modern racer in hopes that somebody captured what I was thinking. This however produced no results.

Later while at work I was telling this to a friend who happens to be a very talented artist with the ability to draw anything perfectly. His thoughts were that if done right it could be the hottest looking RV around, but if done wrong I'd likely get beat up if I ever landed in Montana, Idaho, or Texas. So being commisioned if you will he went about his idea of what I was envisioning. One monday morning he came into work with two pieces of very nice artist's paper with different views of a pink RV. He had purchased supplies and spent a lot of time and after several attemps came up with the following. When I scanned these it faded them out, but in reality they are shocking neon hot pink. He pasted the oversized N numbers on for effect and proudly gave them to me, signed.

Now enter another friend who kept saying no to pink, emphatically! He quickly drew out the following design as a joke trying to make it the worst possible scheme ever put to paper. He then went all around the building and recruited everybody to say that they preferred it and actually like it more and more the longer they look at it. So later when he presented it to me in front of the "Artist" the game was on. I acted as if it was a tough choice and that they were both very good. Don, the artist was trying to be polite but convince me that the Matt's design wasn't very good. At this point I had the idea to seek others input. So around the building we went randomly asking people that had already been briefed by Matt. The crazy thing was that all these folks liked Matt's design better and Don was getting more and more flustered by all of our bad taste. It got to the point where I returned to my work area and hung them up. As the day went on people would walk by and ask "What are those?" I'd explain and they all picked Matt's drawing which made Don crazy. He would ask why and how they could have such bad taste. Overall it was just so much fun that day. We all laughed about that for many years to come. For the record, Don didn't capture what I had in mind and I just couldn't take the chance on flying a pink plane that wasn't right. Even if right is was likely a terrible idea. So here they are. :eek: If any of you want to use these on your airplane it is okay with me. :D
Interesting thought

Well, my next project is going to have some pink in it, (probably). I remember the former Circus Circus aircraft were primarily pink. So, with the proper pink even as a primary color and the proper trim, it would look great.

Caveat here though, if you show up at a fly in you better have beer in the cooler for after hours and not the ingredients for Appletini's.:eek:
Nooooooo :)

How is the project coming along? Any pictures of it posted?

Well, my next project is going to have some pink in it, (probably). I remember the former Circus Circus aircraft were primarily pink. So, with the proper pink even as a primary color and the proper trim, it would look great.

Caveat here though, if you show up at a fly in you better have beer in the cooler for after hours and not the ingredients for Appletini's.:eek:
Your post reminds me of the time I was in A&P school in 2000-2001. I had just purchased the RV9 preview plans and made multiple copies of the 3-view drawings to sketch out color schemes during down times in class. My buddy, John, who happened to be the class clown as well as a fairly decent artist, asked to have a go at designing my future aircraft's paint scheme. Ten minutes later, John handed me back my colored pencils and his version of how my plane should look.
He drew the most pornographic design you could image and we all had a big laugh. :eek: If you have ever seen the B-25 "Dragon and His Tail" then you have some idea.
I still have the drawing somewhere and, no, it will not try to post it here, or anywhere.
Think Lambo Pink

I like the Lamborghini hot pink for an RV, like this:


None of that girly-man coral pink!

Let me add a little spice here

All those who is not up to Rick's and Bob's standards in RV construction should paint their aircrafts like this Valor :D: I have a painter who can do this ;)



Vlad, that is just so extra cool! Is that Spruce? I have a wooden Emeraude but I bet that finish is smoother.
aerhead- I'll bet it is a metal or fabric aircraft, painted to look wood. look at how it has ropes holding it all together.
Any further details on the aircraft, paint job aside! Looks like a neat aircraft.