Love it!!
Woman: I want to see the sunset...
Man: Looky there 190 at 8 gallons per hour.
Hard to impress.....

.... but worth it. Right about that one. I was loving the 190 and 8 and her comment, "Can't hardly tell we're moving!" :)
Evening Flight

This video is priceless.
My wife says the same thing when I ask here "Do you want to take the stick and fly?''

Here reply is always "No thanks I'm not interested!''

Thanks for sharing this Paul.
a classic!.....

my favourite line; also about putting the other stick in, and her flying....eyes get bigger.....

" not, happening..............NOT.....happening.......!" :)
give her the GOOD headset next time, she'll enjoy it even more!

i've made the mistake of always giving the bad headset to my passengers, and just recently noticed everyone enjoyed the flight much much more with a full set of light speed's
canopy handle concern?

Is the canopy handle a concern? It moved out of its original position during the flight. Paul, I sent you a PM but wasn?t sure you ever saw it so instead I?m posting.

At 0:46 mark in the video, the handle is in one position and at 0:50 it has moved. I am just beginning to work on the canopy, so not sure exactly how the handle is supposed to work, sorry if this is no big deal.
