
Well Known Member
OK, since I am frantically working on my gear leg fairing it begs to question:

Who has NOT put their wheel pants on their head and wandered into the house quoting the Coneheads, please raise your hand? Those who raised your hand, repeat after me (as if we believe you), "I have never thought about another woman/man (for those females on the list) "

Any pictures on the web of you in your conehead costume??
I refuse to answer that question on... oh, nevermind. Also, I don't think it looks a THING like what the Pope sometimes wears. But I have considered how much it would streamline my head for bicycle racing when put on pointing backward. I mean, if they add 6 kts to an RV...

Bob Kelly
OK, I confess

Funny you mention that. I have a pic of me and my buddy with wheelpants on our heads when we were building my old Sonerai way back when in my pre-RV days. And yes, we were quoting the old SNL Conehead routines.

Sorry - can't share the pic as it was in the pre-digital camera days. Wow, how prehistoric!

I would never wear a wheelpant on my head and look so foolish! Everyone knows the spinner makes a much cooler looking hat. Don
While I have not done the conehead routine...

How many of you had visitors to your shop and ask why you have so many spinners? They all think the wheel pants standing up on end are spinners. Had that question about a zillion times.

Lots wore them as time trial helmets throughout the build.

Here is a picture of one of the neighbor kids acting like a transformer with the cowling. He is really into transformers and thought this was the coolest ever.

Umm...uhh, I thought you had to do that, :eek: just like sitting in the seat making airplane noises..My nephew said I sounded like a truck, not an airplane. Humiliating. :D
did you shift?

uhhh here's a hint... airplanes don't shift gears :rolleyes: LOL

Rick S. said:
Umm...uhh, I thought you had to do that, :eek: just like sitting in the seat making airplane noises..My nephew said I sounded like a truck, not an airplane. Humiliating. :D