TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
I thought I'd let all of you know, that as on Monday, August 8, I'll be full time at TS Flightlines. This has been planned for quite a while now, just the timetable got moved up 6 months. Not of my doing, but of the company that I called home for 17+ years.
But, because of the great friends and clients of VAF, and others, we put a plan together to be able to do this. We dont foresee any issues, and its a seamless transition, from working 9 hours a day for someone else, to adjusting that time to working for ourselves, AND helping our clients. Now perhaps we can get alot of those development projects done, AND finally get to work on our RV7.

Thanks again to all of you!
Tom and Suzanne

Good news for all RV builders! Great products, tremendous service and knowledge!
Congrats, Tom! The best thing about working for yourself is, you can work half-days. And you even get to choose which 12 hours that is!
Although I'm sure there has been some deep breathing over this, congratulations! I started my own business way back in 2002 and as I've told many people, the secret to my success was that "I was too stupid to quit".:D

I'll be contacting you in about a week for some fuel lines!
Congrats Tom.. You are a wonderful addition to the ranks of the self employee'd.
He has made all my fuel and oil lines, and I would encourage anyone having a need for such things, use him! He is honest, prompt, accurate, and does quality work.
Tom, sorry to hear you had a less-than-planned exit from your previous employment. That kind of treatment always leaves you feeling bruised, battered and disillusioned. On the other side of the coin, that "big corporate world" treatment is one of the things that your customers know they will NOT be receiving when doing business with you.

Congratulations on making the transition to full-time self-employment. I wish you the very best of success, and thank you for all the excellent guidance and advice you have given me in the past.
Tom has made all my oil and fuel lines as well, and the only times he didn't make them right were my fault for not being exactly clear on the directions I gave him. Good work Tom, and good luck!
Can't say enough good things about Tom, his ability, knowledge, workmanship and his willingness to help. If I need a hose for the plane Tom is the man I'm going to.


Did you attend Oshkosh? Hoped to finally meet you in person.
I wish you much success in your business.

Jay---yes I was there at the west end of Scholler. I missed the monday social---had several clients that I was meeting with. I wont miss it again. I need to come to Texas to see you---hum---looks like I wont have to ask to take off now.
Can't say enough good things about Tom, his ability, knowledge, workmanship and his willingness to help. If I need a hose for the plane Tom is the man I'm going to.
My sentiments exactly. Tom made some oil and fuel lines for me and they were perfect. I can recommend him to anyone.

Best of Luck with job and employment change.
Don't look back!
You possibly will work longer / harder, but be much more satisfied.
The complete FWF lines you did for my -6 update all fit perfectly.
Thanks Again.


Based on the incredible service you have delivered to the far white north:cool:, I have no doubt in your continued success. Carry on!

Cheers, Sean
Don't Look Back!

One day I looked up and noticed I had been in business 10 years. We're going on 17 and somehow it just works.


Way to go Tom!
You have treated me like royalty and it was great appreciated.
The fuel lines you sold me were great for my 9A.
The short 90's for the Andair selector valve and SS flex all the way
to the tank is way better than the tubing.

Best to you on a very successful future.
Congratulations, Tom! Sometimes life just has a way of booting you out of the nest. Mike is right, don't look back. You know what to do! :D
Congrats on the full-time work for yourself adventure

Sorry to hear about the unfortunate turn of events at the old job. Congrats on setting up on your full-time adventure aiding us homebuilders. It just so happens after my airworthiness inspection last night that I will be contacting you on another fuel hose as well as brake lines for the next RV project. Also congrats on your recovery from your health scare.
Sometimes an unfortunate turn of events is a blessing in disguise. I think your situation fits. Best of luck to you. Knowing you and the dedication you have to your work, I know you will be successful.
Good to know. Congrats!

A coup,e of more years and I will be ready to replace all of my FWF hoses.

Are you based at the Ridgeland airport? Can you build hoses for certified aircraft?
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Aton, im near 3J1 bu tin town. about a mile for the airport.
I do build stuff for certifieds, pending inventory.
Good luck Tom!

Tom is the best of the best. Made all my lines used in my RV-8. He has the best customer service attitude that you can ask for. Would use him again in a heart beat!
Thanks to all!

I wanted to take a second to thank all of you for the well wishes and confidence. Suzanne and I had planned for the day when I would 'retire' on our terms, it just didn't work to the timeline for the 'others'. So moving up 5 months was a little bit of an inconvenience, but fortunately all was already in place.
We're making some room in our shop at home to put some of the RV7 components here, so in some down time, I can be making some progress to get it finished. So with that, and some equipment I brought home with me from the other 'job' its a little crowded, but I've worked in a smaller area before! Looks like I'm going to need a bigger shop, before the airport expansion at 3J1 is completed!

To all of you, there is NO interruption in service---in fact, it may actually speed up things a little bit. Phone still the same, website the same---may even get a makeover to help ordering (!), and some of those R&D projects will finally get done to help all of you.

I want to express my sincere appreciation to Lee Logan. As a lot of you know, Lee and I have been friends, well since the mid 70's when he was flying F-4's out MCAS Beaufort. He was very influential in getting me started in this business, AND getting me going on my 7 project. On top of that, I've been 'borrowing' space in his hangar all of this time, and quite frankly haven't made the progress on it that I had hoped. All of this is my fault-surgery, illness, honeymoon, and the business that is funding it, all seemed to get in the way of progress. All the while, Lee has been a cheerleader, a mentor, and above all of that, a great friend. Without him, TS Flightlines probably wouldn't exist. So a big debt of gratitude goes out to Lee and Diane for being there!

I'd be remiss with out mentioning Dennis Argentsinger, my A&P, and one of our build partners, Ray Eaker, of our build group, Bo Mabry--a vast amount of knowledge and renowned Globe Swift expert, Jay Pratt, Walt Aronow, Paul Dye, James Clark, the current and former members of Team AeroDynamix, that flight tested alot of our early projects, my business partner Steve Tschurwald of Aircraft Specialty. As many of you know, Steve and I have collaborated on many projects for RV's and other experimentals over the past several years, and we are expanding that effort with a BUNCH of new and exciting things to be released shortly. I want to thank Doug and Susie Reeves for having this forum so we can voice our 2 cents worth. You dont realize the far-reaching effect of VAF---to all the people and places it allows us to communicate with, LOL---most are email clients, or voices on the phone. Some have become very good friends, some I'll probably never meet (gotta do that RV social thing). But the truth of the matter is that TS Flightlines would not have been a success ( and this day would not have come) without VAF and Doug and Susie and their sacrifice. Thank you guys. The list of contacts and clients is pretty big, and its all because of you guys. Word of mouth advertising still works, and event though I've dropped the ball on a few things over the years, I've tried to help you and treat you how you helped me and treated me early on. Its funny now, but several years ago when Paul Dye was still at NASA, he was a client and I think we were doing something on 'TSAM". Here I was, a small guy talking to a the lead Flight Director at NASA. Paul was a big inspiration to get me to think out of the box, and come up with solutions to issues that arose. Paul and Louise---thank you! Pierre Smith was another early client that helped kick this thing into 2nd gear. Ray Lawrence, and the list gets bigger and bigger. Suzanne and I don't take that for granted, and our heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you. The emails, phone calls, letters, cards and text messages after the surgery incident in November was very overwhelming. Some of you even offered to come down and build hoses while I was recuperating. Overwhelmed is an understatement.

So---some changes are coming, the future is bright. WE aren't going away. Far from it. Some of you are aware of the expansion plans. More details will be released when the time is right.

But above all, we want to sincerely express our thanks to all of our friends and clients that have allowed us to be a small part of your projects. Its fun!

Tom and Suzanne Swearengen