
Full Throttle Concepts........ Bad to deal with?

Does anyone know if Full Throttle Concepts is still an existing company. I purchased 85.00 worth of products from the website, paid using PayPal back on Feb 19 and can get no response from them. I have left messages twice, sent emails requesting the status of my order and get no return calls or response from the email request. I would like to think that he is a true RV'er and is really on the up and up but from this experience I'm beginning to wonder. I suppose I could file a claim with PayPal and get the money back but I really like what he has to offer and would like to get what I paid for. Any ideas or experiences others have had would be greatly appreciated.
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If you have not heard from any compnay after your inquires vote with your feet. You can file a claim with Paypal or your credit card co.
Check the archives... Rivethead Aero and FTC are the same guy. People's experience seems to be that it takes a long time to get your parts and there's no communication, but you'll always get them (eventually). I agree it's a poor business practice. For reference, it took me a month to get my WD-415 replacements.

If you want to be safe, you should file a claim with PayPal before you reach 60 days from the purchase date; otherwise, you can't use their "dispute process."

Good service, in my experience.

I ordered my Silver Bullet steering link on February 10th, and received it 10 business days later, so no complaints here...
Well I still haven't heard anything but at least it appears I'm not the only one that has fell victim to bad business practices. Sounds like he needs someone with people skills to handle customer support. I've got a few days before I'll have to file a claim with PayPal. If I ever do get what I ordered, hope no one sees it and wants one. Can't say I'll tell them where I got it from!
Same story as many others - I paid for parts from him and never heard anything back, no response to emails or phone calls and never a returned message. I finally filed a PayPal claim and got an email from him within 24 hours! He sent the parts out the next day and also sent the UPS tracking number in an email.

Too bad it had to come to that - he really does do nice work.
