
Well Known Member
I'm making the plunge into a glass panel and want to mock it up to start getting used to it. The Garmin brochures I've seen do not have full size "photos" of their units; would anyone know where I can find full-size photos of a Garmin G600, GNS430, GNS530, GTX330, SL30, and GMA340 ????
Hello Larry.

I took an image off the Internet and used a copier to scale it. After about 6 tries, it matched the size in the spec sheet.
Quality of the picture wasn't that good, but sense it was just to get the fit, it was OK.

You can also trim with a little on the edge to allow for what is behind the panel which may be bigger.

I did this with all my panel elements.

Open Office Draw

I'm making the plunge into a glass panel and want to mock it up to start getting used to it. The Garmin brochures I've seen do not have full size "photos" of their units; would anyone know where I can find full-size photos of a Garmin G600, GNS430, GNS530, GTX330, SL30, and GMA340 ????


I used JPG & GIF images from the 'net and resize them in Open Office Draw, a free drawing program. I did my whole panel in OOD as well. Check the tech specs on the instruments for their dimensions, then scale the photo accordingly. Here are a bunch of photos:

Hope this helps.

Go here and download whatever high resolution image you want and open it in some image editing software that allows you to specify the size of the image when printed. Once you do that the software will scale the high res image to the correct size during the print.

Works great, I have done this about a hundred times while planing my panel.

Printing them on card stock works well or if you know someone with access to a plotter, you can print the entire panel all at one time. Vans website has DXF files of the stock panels you can download to import them into some CAD program for layout purposes.

Here is an example of the high quality high res image you can get from there:





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