
Well Known Member
I'm curious if anyone has the full complement of weather displaying on their G3X touch? Namely: "Lightning, Cloud Tops, Turbulence and Icing"

I get most weather, but for these 4 I just have a "Waiting for Data" indication. Initially Garmin support indicated this was because these fields were Bluetooth only, and indeed they were for some period of time (first released in 8.20).

However, release 8.91 indicates they are now available via the RS-232 connection (https://vansairforce.net/community/showpost.php?p=1554165&postcount=1) and confirmed with Garmin support this is the case. I've confirmed I'm on a G3X and transponder versions where it should work.

When I initially contacted Garmin, they indicated it was Bluetooth only until I pointed to the release notes. Garmin support isn't sure why it's not working other than perhaps something is wrong with the transponder, but just curious if anyone else went through this upgrade path and if it "just worked" or there were any other steps that activated it?
The GDL52 has dual serial port output (its predecessor only had one), so I have it hardwired to both screens -- no bluetooth lag, and bluetooth is available for tablets.

As a generalization, there is no interconnect between the two G3X screens fast enough to support imagery of any kind. Maybe in the next version...
I'm curious if anyone has the full complement of weather displaying on their G3X touch? Namely: "Lightning, Cloud Tops, Turbulence and Icing"

I get most weather, but for these 4 I just have a "Waiting for Data" indication. Initially Garmin support indicated this was because these fields were Bluetooth only, and indeed they were for some period of time (first released in 8.20).

I am experiencing similar problems. The PFD shows "waiting for data" for these 4 parameters as they come via Bluetooth from my GDL39R - the rest of the weather data received via RX232 is fine. My MFD gets all its WX data via Bluetooth and has significant lag and "holes" in data versus the PFD. I have been blaming the GDL39. A software problem/fix would be good news.
Just sitting here quietly outside the USA, with absolutely no weather whatsoever on any of the G3X Touch displays, because there's no 978UAT, no SiriusXM, no FIS-B, and no ability for the GDL or GDUs to fetch weather data over Bluetooth/Internet via a phone running Garmin Pilot.

Really makes your teeth grate when you see all the G3X manuals and promotional material covered in colorful screenshot imagery depicting useful weather maps, NOTAMs, and TAFs, and you know that none of those features work at all because you're not in the USA.


- mark