
Well Known Member
The other weekend a gave a married couple a ride in the -7A (no, not at the same time). With the pre-flight completed, I asked them my usual questions which includes 1) how do you feel about roller coasters 2) have you ever flown in a small airplane 3) is there anything in particular around the Austin area you'd like to see, 4) any questions or concerns, etc.

The husband responded that it had been many years since he'd been in a small plane and he went on to explain that he was a kid at the time. I asked if he remembered it being "Young Eagles" related but he couldn't specifically remember. Hmmm, full circle? I thought it was kinda cool nonetheless Anyway, he really dug the flight and tight turns about a point - he was like a kid in a candy store. Hopefully a future (RV) builder.

The wife had never been in a small plane so the usual "how do you feel about roller coaster" questions followed so that I could get a general idea on her reservations/fears/inhibitions/concerns before we departed terra firma. All was good in that department so off we went. As we're making our way around the local lakes, I find out she's a professional singer. Now, I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, I've got a famous singer with me. That's a new one. I wonder just how famous she is?" Come to find out, she sings in a local Austin band. I told her that she could have said her name was "Beyonce" and I would have bought it hook, line, and sinker. I would have then gone back to my buddies and said, "Dude! You wouldn't believe who I took for a ride the other day!". Glad we got that straightened out. Anyway, the rest of the flight was great and I headed back to home base. As we made our way back, I explained what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. Now on final, followed by runway made, followed by flare, followed by touchdown, she shouts out "Better than Southwest!". I know she meant well and a good laugh was had and that's what counted.

What compliments have you gotten that were well intended?

From a CFI, at shutdown after a good training flight:

"Well, it looks like we cheated death again..."
From a CFI, at shutdown after a good training flight:

"Well, it looks like we cheated death again..."

Ha! My CFI said that after every training flight with him. The day we did spins in the old 1959 straight tail C150, I think he really meant it though. :eek:
The checkride!

....after a stomach-churning PPL checkride with an old and reputed to be hard-case WW2 vet CFI....he says,
"...so, do you think you passed?" ( my mind raced back over the past hour of heII.)...'ummmm, welllll' ....

he says, " that's one of the nicest rides I've ever been on. Wasn't like a checkout at all, just a nice Sunday flight!"

( yeah, right buddy!):rolleyes:
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If they do I'm sure they'll get over it. I know a lot of SW guys and they're all pretty good eggs with a sense of humor.

Hear that Yobo & 2B? Now don't get a big head cause I didn't say you wow the ladies, I said you had a sense of humor.........

Heard from passenger during roll-out, after one of those "lucky" greaser landings: "Did we land?" Best compliment I've ever gotten while flying.
Hey Tinker - I've commuted on SW a couple times and I was convinced they were all Navy Carrier pilots. But then again I've never flown on your jet. I'm sure it would be a greaser.
Hey Tinker - I've commuted on SW a couple times and I was convinced they were all Navy Carrier pilots. But then again I've never flown on your jet. I'm sure it would be a greaser.
At KSNA (John Wayne) in SoCal, the Cactus heavies land on a 5700' runway. That's practically a carrier landing for a 737!!! No leisurely flare allowed. :)
back during my instrument training, I had an old crumudgeony instructor who would say, "forget keeping the needle centered, just don't kill me today."

I wouldn't trade that instructor for anything.....he was the best.
From a Young Eagle who was very ADHD and talked a blue streak - a non-stop chatterbox. The moment the wheels left the runway, all I heard was a very quiet, "Wow!" Knowing he had deeply experienced the magic of flight made that one of the best flights of my life.