Scott Hersha

Well Known Member
I'm ready to seal my tanks with the back baffles. Before I do that, I want to know what others are doing with the extra VA-141 flange in the inboard rib. I assume it is there because this is an RV10 part, and it is used as a return to tank fuel line for the IO-540 engine. If so, I'll just fill the hole with an AN plug. Am I right about this? Is there a reason to install a line and bulkhead fitting in this flange for possible future fuel injection systems? What have the rest of you done with this flange?

Think auto fuel!

If you decide to run mogas then you may want to return fuel back to the tank to prevent vapor lock. So I would think you could simply unscrew the plug and screw in a fitting to accept your return line when the time comes;)