Does anyone know the name of the company that builds RV fuel tanks, they are in Lakeland Fl? Thanks Tom
Hi Thomas...

...my buddy, Ray Lawrence builds RV tanks...he's done dozens. Located at Sandersville, Ga, runs the FBO there. 478 232 9560.

re: tanks

I had a little help, I think 2 or 3 friends, building my RV10 tanks. I thought it was kind of fun actually. None of us are all that anal about the proseal, acetone, mek, suit-up/glove-up, whatever. We did use rubber gloves to keep the stuff off our fingers and making a big sticky mess. But over all, it was kind of enjoyable, really. BTW, all the helpers were RV builders or were finished building.
You might give it a try before you farm it out, you might find you like it.:)
But then again, I'm kind of cheap.:D

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
OK, you expert tank builders, I have a question.

I have the materials to build new tanks to replace the quick built paint blister producing units now installed. (yes, new blisters are continuing to appear - the tanks were built in 2002)

The first part of the build process is to match drill the Z brackets to the spar sheer web while the bottom wing skin is not yet installed (if I read the instructions correctly).

Obviously, if the tanks are built by someone else not local this is not possible - the tanks arrive built without the Z brackets matched drilled to the wing. Am I correct in assuming that these brackets can be match drilled to the existing holes after the wing is closed out?