larry G

I'm New Here
I have my fuel tanks all done with no leaks. Does any one prime the two end ribs and baffles before they install it on the main spar.
I did...

...since I've decided to primed pretty much everything, I went ahead and did so. Was it worth it? Maybe I'll let you know in twenty years or so!!
Not to beat the dead primer horse again....

but what primer did you guys use on the inside of the tanks? Just curious as the construction manual explicitly warns against doing that.

Actually, I wimped out and had my tanks built by Evan Johnson. I'm pleased to say that he didn't primer the inside though! After I fitted everything to the wings, I primered all the outside ribs & rear baffle (not the main skin yet) prior to re-installation.
Jamie said:
Not to beat the dead primer horse again....

but what primer did you guys use on the inside of the tanks? Just curious as the construction manual explicitly warns against doing that.
I don't think any of us (except maybe Karl?) are talking about priming anything except the outside of the end ribs and outside of the baffle.
I highly suggest AGAINST priming the inside. Fuel reaction on primer could be unknown, and proseal doesn't stick to primers as well. Both these could lead to leaks later, and potentially clog screens later on too.
alpinelakespilot2000 said:
I don't think any of us (except maybe Karl?) are talking about priming anything except the outside of the end ribs and outside of the baffle.

Absolutely DO NOT prime the inside of the tank. I was trying to say that I primed the entire outside of the tank before mounting it on the wing. I did this because I live on the Texas gulf coast... lots of salt air around here. I primed everything on the plane... with the exception of the inside of the tanks. ;)
