
Hello All-

I've done a search on this subject and the hits lead me back to Dan Checkoway's site - which, unfortunately, is no longer available.

Are the centerlines for the fuel tank "Z" bracket to be measured from the flange edge or the front edge of the bracket? I drew lines both ways, but can't decide which one looks to be "more" correct. I'm working on a pre-punched wing kit that is about 9 years old.

Just did this

You kinda have to look at the plans pretty close to understand whats going on with the z-brackets. The Checkoway method has you draw a line 1/16" of an inch off-center so that it is easier to get a pop-rivet tool on when the time comes (as well as a socket I believe).

RV7Factory.com has a pretty decent description on the process.
Builder web sites are a wonderful thing but the tendency is that they come and go. We all have used Dans site at one time or another or have used any one of several others. There are many unique techniques out there that describe the building of our craft and just a lot of good plain information is out there. Personally I have on several occasions needed to see some part laid out in pictures because I just couldn't wrap my head around some written instruction. However, we who use these sites are beholding to the whim of the site owners who supply and update their own builders sites as their life and needs change. My thoughts are fairly simple. If a web site were to develop that covered the minutia of building the RV line the site itself being constructed by gleaning different builders web sites and becoming a permanent repository of the information gleaned from them and not just a list of links. I wouldn't mind getting some input about this idea and if it came down to actually doing something along this line I've had a web site for about five years that is basically web space. What it would take would be builders willing to let parts of their information be posted off of their sites perhaps directly copied and placed in a repository of builder information. Any thoughts?
I think this would be a good resource as long as people were aware of your site. It seems to me that as much time as I spend on this web site it would be an ideal repository for such vital information. At the very least I would hope Doug would be willing to set up a corner of his site that would be available for people to go to in order to navigate to such a repository as you are suggesting. In my example I do not necessarily visit builder's web sites unless I read some valuable information on a post that mentions something unique that I can check out on some builder site. On the other hand, if I knew that everyday I could come to the vansairforce.net website and see any piece of minutia detail about building, well, I think that would be a very good asset for me as a builder.
Z Brackets

I did'nt follow the directions. I drew the center line on the baffle side of each bracket, Then drilled the center hole. Then cleco'd the bracket to the baffle and aligned the drawn line with the other two holes so that the bracket was square with the baffle. Then match drilled the two outside holes. Then I cleco'd all these holes from inside the baffle. Then cleco'd the tank skin to the baffle and to the wing. I then marked each hole from the spar to the spar side of the Z bracket and removed the the tank and checked the edge distance of those markings on the z bracket. They were all very close to center line. So I re cleco'd the tank to the wing and match drilled all the Z bracket holes using the spar as a guide. When both my wings were done the tank fits pertfectly without any trouble with the Z bracket bolt alignment at all. I don't like drilling holes via dimensions and lines when using nut plates. Even the width of the line can screw things up. I'd much rather match drill whenever possible.
