
Well Known Member
Anyone have trouble getting the fuel tank skins to fit around the ribs? I have tried to make sure the ribs are fluted correctly, but the bend in the bottom of the skin doesn't look quite right and it is difficult trying to bend it up to put the clecos in. I originally started at the top by the baffle, but then redid it and started on the leading edge and worked my way up. I would appreciate any advice on how you made it fit. Thanks.

The way I did my fuel tanks was to get most celcos on one side then slowly lower the tank into the jig while attempting to get a cleco in the other side. Typically it was about the 4th or 5th hole from the leading edge that I could use to start the second side.
Tank Skins

I first clecod each rib to one side of the skin then the other to make sure the fluting was correct. Just a hair more or less on fluting will change the rivet hole alignment. I didn't want to have to mess with rivets not dropping in hole with wet tank sealant on everything. I then clecod the ribs to the bottom of the skin, placed the assembly into the cradle, layed a piece of 3"x5" rectangular steel box across the rib flanges and used a couple of ratchet straps to gently pull the skin up and the ribs into the leading edge.
I've got a small Starrett center punch that I was able to use to work holes into alignment without getting too aggressive. I did start at the nose and work towards the baffle, bottom then top.

By the way, that center punch is a great tool. I use it all the time.