Future RV 9 Flyer

Active Member
Help,I used Cleveland's substructure dies for my ribs for the tanks and the fuel tank dies for the tank skins.I'm ready to start sealing the tanks so I started to clecoe the ribs into place but the clecoes barely hold. Used a c-frame for the skins and a vise grip pliers to put the dimples in the ribs.the holes in the ribs seem slightly large.Anybody else have this problem?
oversized holes

Help,I used Cleveland's substructure dies for my ribs for the tanks and the fuel tank dies for the tank skins.I'm ready to start sealing the tanks so I started to clecoe the ribs into place but the clecoes barely hold. Used a c-frame for the skins and a vise grip pliers to put the dimples in the ribs.the holes in the ribs seem slightly large.Anybody else have this problem?

I ran into this problem as well but it was because the cleco's I used to hold the skin to the ribs had a lot of stress on them from being forced down to match the curvature of the skin. I don't know if you have any yet but I found that using cleco's that had been used to seal tanks previously (and had some residual proseal on the tip) worked well enough to finish the tank. I did have to use oops rivets in a few locations because the holes had enlarged a little too much.

Hope that helps.
