There's an interesting article "Pure Poison" by Wasabi racer and test pilot Elliot Seguin in the June 2016 Kitplanes Magazine regarding solubility of Permatex #2. The essence of it is as follows:

"Unfortunate|y the Permatex in the joint had become significantly compromised sitting in fuel overnight. The sloshing was creating little jets of fuel, which squirted through the
bolted flange, hitting me in the back of the ankle with noticeable force. It surprised me to find that Permatex #2 is gasoline soluble (cured or not, we tried several batches), and sitting in contact with the fuel overnight, the seal had become significantly compromised. It took me a lot of testing in two airplanes to believe that a product described as a fuel tank sealant was fuel soluble, so I pass that on now to save you the trouble."

I and many others on this forum now use Loctite 567 as our thread sealant since it is brake fluid, avgas, and ethanol mogas resistant.

Loctite 567 -- never had any issue with it on 100LL, mogas/E-10, oil, air, and hydraulic fittings.