
Well Known Member
Finishing up the tanks and I have a couple of questions. My first post so bear with me.

Ok - In the tank attach bag there are these honkin' flat washers. Can't see on the plans where these go. I am assuming one goes on the inside of the vent line - yes? Does one go on the flop tube as well? And what about the BNC for the cap. senders?

Next question, and sorry to bother - I zoned and put the stiffeners on backwards in the bay where the flop tube goes on the left tank (vertical flange faces the wrong way). Does anyone think I need to remove and reverse. Gotta love pre-punch - they happily went in reversed. I am concerned about flop tube hang-up, but it appears it won't matter at all.

Thanks folks,

Woodbridge, VA
The big washers are for the blue elbow fittings. When you tighten them down they dont quite seat tight in the .032" rib. You need one for each of the vent line elbows. You will need one for each fuel pick up if the pick up is the standard type in the inspection plate. Flop tubes go through the big angle at the leading edge of the tank so there is plenty of meat there and they dont require the washer. The BNC connectors seat down just fine with the skinny washer and nut supplied and dont need any "honkers".

As for the worries at all. Dont lose any sleep over it. Just wangle the flop tube all around in the bay before you install the rear baffle and see if you can get it to hang up anywhere. I bet you wont find any.
Leak Check


Just a quick thing to add at the end of the fuel tank endeavor. I would leak check the tank with real live fuel. The first time you put fuel in the tanks it may be better if the y are not on the wings. I leak checked with air, thought I had a good check and then had a leak the first time I put fuel in it (boo, hiss). The tanks are a pain to take off once the wings are attached, trust me. Just something to think about. The great thing about building your plane is that it is your plane so you decide. Best of luck, hope to see you at Oshkosh soon