
Well Known Member
I had a -6 builder look at my progress so far. I am working on getting the fuel tanks ready for proseal and he told me, Van's is notorius for having leaks at the leading edge of the tank. On the -14, this is where T-1003C meets the leading edge. The flange doesn't go all the way to the edge of the skin and sometimes the proseal doesn't always get it correctly. He said when he built his -6, it tested fine, but at around 200 hours, it started leaking and he feels that this is an issue with at least 1/2 of the RV's built. Has anyone done any modifications to this area, or heard of this problem? He said another builder added a backer plate to that rib that went up against that leading edge. Thanks.
Thousands of RVs flying without this problem.

Not sure where he is getting the information that 1/2 of the RVs have this problem. I've seen it VERY rarely. Mine has been flying almost 21 years with no leaks and I know of many, many more that have no problems.
Not sure where he is getting the information that 1/2 of the RVs have this problem. I've seen it VERY rarely. Mine has been flying almost 21 years with no leaks and I know of many, many more that have no problems.

A friend that built a -6, with tons of RV experience. He said that has always been the one area and the only area where there is a little design flaw in Van's design. So is it 1/2, probably not, but I was told it is a significant issue, that additional attention should be paid to that part of the tank, to avoid having to pull it off later. So I thought it was worth asking the question if anyone else has heard of this, or has fabricated any shoring up of that area. I'd rather be safe and plan ahead, then have to pull off the tank and find the leak. If it does leak from there, it would be a b**ch to fix. Sorry if you were offended.
A friend that built a -6, with tons of RV experience. He said that has always been the one area and the only area where there is a little design flaw in Van's design. So is it 1/2, probably not, but I was told it is a significant issue, that additional attention should be paid to that part of the tank, to avoid having to pull it off later. So I thought it was worth asking the question if anyone else has heard of this, or has fabricated any shoring up of that area. I'd rather be safe and plan ahead, then have to pull off the tank and find the leak. If it does leak from there, it would be a b**ch to fix. Sorry if you were offended.

I doubt Mel was offended... its just that a lot of stuff gets thrown around as being fact, that is not.
I (and Mel) have been working with RV's for 25 + years and I have never seen anything to indicate anywhere near a chronic problem in the area you mention. In fact, If I was to say there was one, it would be at the aft corners of the baffle. The reality is, these airplanes are for the most part built by amateurs who are learning as they go, so leaks in tanks have occurred pretty much every place it would be possible, but none disproportionately more than another.
If you make sure there is a nice generous fillet of sealant between the rib and skin at the location you mention, you wont have a problem.
Like Scott says, I'm not at all offended.
It's just that I've been doing tech counselor, certification, pre-buy, and condition inspections on RVs for a lot of years and very seldom see a problem like this.
I (and Mel) have been working with RV's for 25 + years and I have never seen anything to indicate anywhere near a chronic problem in the area you mention. In fact, If I was to say there was one, it would be at the aft corners of the baffle. The reality is, these airplanes are for the most part built by amateurs who are learning as they go, so leaks in tanks have occurred pretty much every place it would be possible, but none disproportionately more than another.
If you make sure there is a nice generous fillet of sealant between the rib and skin at the location you mention, you wont have a problem.

Agree 100% with the above.
Fuel Tank Leak

I appreciate the comments. I will knock my friend on the head for making a bigger deal out of something that is not a major problem. I guess because he had the problem, he found others, etc., so then it became a more common problem. I will proceed making sure there is a good fillet of proseal in that area. Thanks again for the good advice.