I'm New Here
I'm preparing to dimple the fuel tank skins and am wondering if I should use 426-3 "tank" dimples instead of normal 426-3 sets. The "tank" dimples make deeper dimples to allow for the layer of sealant between the rivet and skin.
I used them on my left tank and will use them on the right. The rivets sit real nice. The one piece of advice I can give is to make sure the countersinks on the skin for the baffle are deep enough. I had a couple of rivets sitting a little proud there but all the dimpled ones came out great.
Good luck.

Ryan Slater
building the right wing at CCB
I bought the tank dies, and I'm glad that I have them. However, you can get the same results by doing a light countersink after the holes are dimpled with normal dies. I used my deburring scredriver (i.e., a 3/32" countersink attached to a power screwdriver), and it worked as good as the tank dies. Obviously, the tank dies are a single step solution, so this would be the better way to go, but countersinking saves you $30.

YES, use them is my two cents. I was wondering if I was wasting my money by buying them. They definitely make a deeper dimple that works well with proseal. The guy from Cleaveland who was at Arlington (who is building a -10) highly recommended using them not only for the tanks (where you use them on both the skins and the substructure), but also on the substructure (only) of the rest of the airplane. Two dimples of the same size will not nest perfectly flush, but if you use the regular dimple on the skin and the deeper tank dimple on the ribs, they will sit more flush with greater likelihood for your rivets to sit flush as well. Not necessary by any means, but I do notice a better finish on my rivets when using the tank dies elsewhere as well.

Help Locating

Where can a guy get one of these die sets? I checked Vans, Avery, The Yard Store and Spruce. No luck.