
Well Known Member
Van's catalog has a Fuel Tank Access Cover and Gasket for tanks with flop tubes (pg 89). Does anyone know if this is something I should get for the tank I plan on installing a flop tube in?
Brian, the standard SB wing kit comes with all this stuff. It doesn't matter which pickup you are gonna install. If you want a flopper, all you need to buy is the floppy toob!

Hope this helps!

:) CJ
Captain_John said:
Brian, the standard SB wing kit comes with all this stuff. It doesn't matter which pickup you are gonna install. If you want a flopper, all you need to buy is the floppy toob!
Ignore the post above - it appears to be from someone who has not built a tank with an inverted fuel pickup.

The standard access cover has holes in it for the standard fuel pickup, and the fuel gauge sender. If you put a flop tube in a tank, the fuel gauge sender gets installed in the rear baffle, in the second bay out, to avoid it being hit by the flop tube.

If you install a flop tube, you will want an access cover that does not have holes for the fuel pickup and fuel gauge sender. This special cover is not included in the standard kit, so you need to order it special from Van's.
Actually, like CJ said, my standard kit did have the "solid" tank access covers - as well as the ones with holes for senders. I am installing a flop tube in one tank, but the standard (slow build) kit included 2 of each type of access cover. I did not have to order anything else... maybe check your kit and see before ordering...?

-8 wings
OK, things have changed then. My kit, from several years ago only had the standard access covers. Sorry for the misinformation.
Thanks everyone. My wings are shipping the week of 5/8 so I will check when they get here. I am doing the flop tube on one side. I should have plenty of time to put in the order for the cover if they are missing from the kit.
Brian, on a serious note...

ALSO GET the deluxe fuel caps!!!

They are WICKED NICE!!!

Van will credit you for the standard ones too!

:) CJ
I received my slow build wings the end of October. I have flop tubes in both tanks and I did NOT recieve the solid plate for flop tube installation. So it seems to be a hit and miss situation.

I thought about ordering them but instead I just cut a patch piece from the trim bundle. A little ProSeal and a few rivets and it's a non issue.

Order one or just cover like I did. Either way it's not a bid deal.

Figured it out (I think) ... Bill Murrish and I were talking this evening and he pointed out that those of us that order cap senders get the solid plates; those who order floaters don't get the solid plates and have to order them on their own.

-8 wings

Has anyone figured out how to get the new, lockable gas caps with a COMMON KEY????? I cannot believe that we must use two different keys for the two lockable gas caps. What shall I do, paint one key red and the other green?

Come on Van's. There has gotta be a better way!

Cheers, Pete
I just got confirmation from van's for the addition of the deluxe fuel caps and price is up to $100 each W/O locks, OUCH... inflation in Oregon is out of control they were only $75 in the 05 catalog. Oh well. I guess I still have a problem with all the nickel and diming stuff (its what kills every budget), though I suppose I should be use to it after going through the same experience building my house. On the bright side, at least I got a $58 credit for the regular caps.
Well, I suppose ya gotta do whatcha gotta do...

That is quite a price hike!!!

On the bright side, I seem to recall the standard cap credit to be only about $40.

I am beginning to think that Van doesn't have complete consistency in all processes.

That's ok... the pre-punching really lines up nice most of the time!

:rolleyes: CJ
Gawd....building this thing is like buying a Kirby.

$1000 for the vacuum.

$275 for the deluxe bag, $25 for the cord, $600 for the belt sander attachment, $350 for the meat grinder attachment......
jcoloccia said:
Gawd....building this thing is like buying a Kirby.

$1000 for the vacuum.

$275 for the deluxe bag, $25 for the cord, $600 for the belt sander attachment, $350 for the meat grinder attachment......

Hey John, you may as well go ahead and get the HVLP set-up for it as well! :cool:

I'll let you guys know

My wings arrive this afternoon. Slow build, capacitive senders. When I finsih the inventory (this weekend?), I'll let you know what came with the kit.

Mustang said:

Has anyone figured out how to get the new, lockable gas caps with a COMMON KEY????? I cannot believe that we must use two different keys for the two lockable gas caps. What shall I do, paint one key red and the other green?

Come on Van's. There has gotta be a better way!

Cheers, Pete

Pete, your question made me curious. When in the shop tonight I checked and my caps are keyed the same. Might be worth a call to Vans or maybe I just got lucky.
Thanks for the info on the caps with the common key. I will be calling Van's anyway so I will mention it to them. I could send them one cap back and one key from the already installed cap for a match.
Cheers, Pete
JohnR said:
They are pricey but the deluxe caps are very nice! :cool:

Glad I got mine before the price hike. :)

Based on suggestions in this thread, I ordered the deluxe caps. I just got them yesterday. Holy cow, everything everyone is saying is right. These things are an order of magnitude nicer than those junky caps that come with the kit. Now that I see them, I couldn't imagine using the stock caps. Pricey, but absolutely worth every penny IMHO (and both of mine are keyed the same too).

re: the access plate.

I believe that the wing kit comes with the pre-drilled plates regardless of whatever else you order. If I remember correctly, the capacitive sensors come in their own sub-kit. That sub-kit has the non-drilled plates in it, so if you order cap. sensors, you end up with both...if you order the floats, you end up with just the drilled plates.
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Common Key for both Caps


Now that I have bitched and moaned about the inconvenience of different keys for each tank, A good samaritan has shown up.

Last weekend our Sport Aircraft club put on our annual Project Tour where you run around and look at everyones building progress.
When the guys came to my place, I moaned a bit more about the lockable gas tank caps and a fellow asked me what was the problem?
I gave him the gas caps and showed him the different keys. He disappeared and ten minutes later he gives them back and pockets one of the keys. "OK", he says, "You are all set. I changed the plates around inside and this key here now fits both caps"! BTW, the guy was a locksmith, so if anyone else has this problem, it can be easily fixed.

I asked him what I could do for him. He says, "I'd really like that dented spinner over there for my Cavalier". I went over to the display table at our swap meet and bought him the spinner for 20 bucks. Done Deal!

Cheers, Pete