
Does anyone have the drawings for the fuel system that I could take a look at? I have 2 inline filters now before going to the fuel selector, pump, then to the firewall before getting to the engine driven pump. The fuel tanks are sent out to be re-done(because of slosh) and wanting to set it up per plans.

Thanks, Dave
I just contacted Vans to get a copy of the OP-32 drawing which shows the IO-360 fuel system. You could probably just contact Van's tech support and get them to email you the equivalent drawing. That of course doesn't mean that the builder did it exactly per Van's plans since there are lots of options in this area.
I think that drawing will only cover the portion fwd of the firewall.

If you contact Van's you can buy the entire plans set on CD for $10.
Pretty much a must have, if you are doing work on the airplane....
Keep in mind there can be a lot of variation in the RV-6 fuel system and still be per plans. The later kits came with the RV-7 firewall and plans to set up the fuel system similar to the -7. That would still be "per plans" but will not match the plans they send you for the RV-6. The RV-6 plans are pretty light in that area to begin with...
I fitted an Andair gascolator in the wing root. This is at the lowest point of the fuel system and does not suffer from heat problems from engine