
How consistent should the fuel dip stick measurements be for the same model but different airplanes? I imagine it'd be pretty consistent.

Since I am a buyer and not a builder, I haven't had a good opportunity to drain the tanks on my -14A and take accurate measurements at each gallon increment. I know I could, but I'm curious if anyone else already has.

If so, I'd be happy to send you a CNC'd hardwood fuel dipstick like I made for my buddy's taildragger 14 in exchange for the 14A fuel level measurements.

And yes, I will measure these myself as soon as I can, but I can also cross-reference anyone else's measurements with the data from the fuel totalizer so it'll be possible to verify the accuracy.

Anyway, here's the stick I've already made for the 14.
I have never used a stick to measure my fuel quantity but I would imagine it would be pretty accurate from the same model plane to plane as these parts are made pretty precise and a tank from one plane should fit into another.

However, I would imagine the fuel quantity for the same plane could very by some degree if the plane is not in the same level (sloped ground)

I would imagine most RV14s if not all, will have a fuel measuring device (float, etc) that does give an OK indication of the fuel once calibrated and hopefully a fuel flow measuring device. I use my fuel flow measuring (Red Cube) as the primary way of measuring and use the float to confirm the RC readings. My RC is accurate within .3G which is close enough for me.

Also noteworthy that the amount of unusable fuel in a typical RV is very little. Both of my planes had less than half a cup of unusable fuel when I measure it.
OP; When you get the measurements, I'd buy one of those sticks! I bought my 14-A too and that stick looks nice!
Measurements for RV14

I use one of these (at least I think it is this one…):

I only need to aproximate the amount of fuel. I notched this with 5 gal increments.

The first number is the stamped position on the stick. The second is the measurement for a RV14 on level ground.

o 5 Gal ....................................3 (1.75”)
o 10 Gal ................................5.5 (3.25”)
o 15 Gal ................................8.25 (4.75”)
o 20 Gal .................................11 (6.25”)
o 25 Gal ................................14.5 (8.25”)