This is a two part post...

First, I am finally back to chipping away at my RV-8QB wings (after a long hiatus due to an overseas deployment followed by the addition of an ATP and type rating). I next plan on tackling the final wing skin and installing the fuel floats over the next week before I go back out of town for a couple months. Because this is a QB kit (fuel tank already sealed) I can't figure out how to check the travel/clearance of the float before final installation... any tips on this?

Second, is there anyone on the forum who would be interested in helping me attach the final wing skins? I'm located in Harrisonburg, VA. I need help with this last skin as it has been holding me up... I can't seem to get experienced help.


Fuel Sender Question

You have probably already passed the point where you were installing your fuel floats, but I'll respond anyway.
When I was fitting my probes, I set my digital camera on timer (10" works but 30" is better) and reached inside and placed the camera and the quickly put the probe in place and clecoed it. It took several tries to get a usable photo, but it showed all the parts inside the tank and where they are in relation to one another. Recommend setting the camera on macro - you'll get a better photo.
Stan Sutterfield
Van's has already figured it out for you...

I commend the creative use of a camera, but the instructions show how the float rod is to be bent and to what dimmensions for each model. If it isnt perfect, it will still be very close.