Joe Casey

I am currently working on a QB -9 wing, and received a very rubbery (silicone?) type gasket with the fuel sender kit from Vans... after prowling around on the forums, I have read both "throw away the gasket", and "use the gasket, but put a lot of Proseal on everything," Regarding the installation. I have 2 questions... is one method favored over the other, and also, if one needs to remove the fuel sender, will a "hot air type" heat gun, soften the Proseal to facilitate removal, (as is done with epoxy glue)
The "throw the gasket away" folks are the ones to listen to. That rubber gasket is a notorious source of leaks. Pro-seal the sender right onto the cover plate. Not much likely to go bad with the sender, so removing it shouldn't be an issue, but if you had to, it should come off fairly easily.