
Well Known Member
nice part of a low-wing, easy to add fuel.
BAD part, easy to remove fuel!

I drained about 10 gallons by wedging a plastic jug with long spout, under my drain sump. it would appears someone else has mastered the same I'm short pretty much a jug full!

There are commercial locks...and how do you make one that is tamper RESISTANT, but they won't get aggressive and wreck things trying to get it off?

well, this might keep the honest thieves out ( I'm thinking low-life pilots, fuellers, or whatever punks have a use for leaded hi-test????)


too small a lock, you can't slip it on...too big, it slips OFF. This little sleeve, and the safety wire make a decent fit...bit I'm sure with a concerted effort, it would pop off ( I hope) sparing actual tank damage.

oh, and then they head for the caps, where you might get all KINDS of I'd rather they stole from the drains.
well....I rather know....!:eek:
yes, and no

probably Dan, but that would remove the convenience of the 'hit and run' technique.
these guys jam the jug under the spring plunger....leave...then retrieve it later, we think, so removing the plug would make is much less, ummm, convenient? to drain anonymously. Perhaps they don't pack tools?
anyway, as I said, a concerted twist and tug, and it's off....but keep the honest thieves away! :rolleyes:
Sounds uncommon and dumb, how about just get the degenerate arrested? Fences and recorded cameras an option?
i think i agree with improving the environment. when he can't get anything out what will he put in?

Sounds like a good reason to have a hangar!

Honestly though it is a sad situation. Almost any damage costs more than the fuel, but theft is theft. Play this situation out and you can't win. If you make the thieves mad, they could just poke a hole in the tank, etc. Pour sugar in the tank etc. Seems like finding the thieves is best. But best to not tell the public about how easy it is to steal or there will be copy cats.

FYI...a siphon hose thru the cap to a 5 gallon jug on the ground will work just as well as the drain....
I keep coming back to the Hangar........
lots of commentary

good input guys.....

I think the one that resonated was to 'improve the environment'...but until they raise the bag limit on scumbags, we are stuck with them.
Current Environment:
our field is behind an 8foot chain link with barbwire on top, security gates, full defcon 2 lockdown, roving security teams of retired Walmart greeters, all pilots require ID badges and hourly full rectal scans.
A friend put up hidden hi-res game cams and guessed! Apparently punks in dark hoodies carrying jerrycans do not set it off?

appreciate the hangar comments...I should also get my own airstrip, and avoid those pesky fees. :)
If they want the fuel, a quick hit with a phillips screwdriver makes a nice drain hole......:mad:
Fuel quick -drain lock DIY

Or you could just tape a $20 bill next to the quick drain with a note that says "buy your own" with directions to the fuel pump/bowser. Record the serial number on the bill and when they show up at the fuel pump get them arrested!

Here's the scary part.

If you annoy the thieves, they resort to vandalism.

This is a nasty situation that only a locked hangar will (might?)solve.