Scott DellAngelo

Well Known Member
I am working on fuel, brake lines and am ready to run the line from the selector to the fuel pump. Problem is I cannot seem to find the fuel pump. I see on the Fuselage drawing (not supplied in kit), but I would think this comes in either the Finish or Firewall Forward kit (I have both). I cannot seem to find it, or mention of it. Why in the heck would this not at a minimum be in the Firewall Forward kit (even though it's on the wrong side of the firewall)? Sometimes I am completely in awe of some of the details Van's considers and then sometimes the opposite. Anyways can someone verify that I need to either order it, or look harder to find it please? Oh well i'll do the brake lines now and then start into the canopy stuff.

#90598 - Fuselage transitioning into Finish Kit
N598SD reserved
You need to order it. It is not supplied due to many options available to the builder, who may not need or want it. Order from ACS or Van's or whoever you prefer. Inventory lists are very explicit. If it isn't on an inventory list, Van's did not include it.

Thanks. Yes I went through the inventories and didn't see it, just wanted to make sure I just didn't miss it. Oh well I have plenty to do, I will just order it and start on the canopy stuff now.

I know what you mean about the forgotten details. I started a whole list of things that are needed that aren't included in the kits, trying to determine the cost of things that are left on my project. It's in an Excel spreadsheet right now, but I'll convert it to text and post it. It might be useful for someone else.
Spread sheet list


I have an Excel spread sheet that has become my builder log book. Not only does it contain all the entries from my paper log book, it also has all the expenditures divided into two columns: tools and aircraft materials. All tools and expendible materials like gloves and sandpaper go into the tool column. Every nut, bolt, screw, radio, etc. that becomes part of the flying machine goes in the other column. That column will also get the cost of painting the airplane when it is time to take it to the paint shop.

Jerry K. Thorne