
I'm New Here
Probably a silly question, but in light of all the fuel pump problems that folks have had here goes:

I've recently completed my RV-12iS build and I'm running through the product acceptance procedures. I have checked the fuel system and all looks well - no leaks!

I have not run the engine yet and the #1 fuel pump pressure fluctuates by .7psi (44.0-43.3). The #2 pump is steadier at .2psi (43.7-43.5). Both pumps together are .2psi (43.7-43.5).

Does the fluctuation on the #1 pump seem normal? Its less than 1psi and well into the green range on the fuel pressure gauge.

The pumps seem to sound and operate normally, and my pumps do not fall under the affected serial numbers from Rotax.
My fuel pressure has always varied by +/- 0.5 psi.

According to my last flight's log, throughout all phases of flight (and ground), it ranges from about 46.5 to 47.5 psi. I believe it is towards the lower end at higher altitudes too.
Thanks for the informantion Rob. I kinda figured that it is ok, but without any actual experience I thought I would ask.

For another data point I did another check on the pumps today. #1 still fluctuates the most but never more that 0.8 psi and together the pumps are producing steady pressure at 44.5 psi.