
Well Known Member
I noticed the rivets on one of my tanks is seeping fuel around the rivets. Not much but is hard on the paint around the filler. These were quick build wings. Anyone have had this problem and if so how did you fix it. I don't fuel up until I'm ready to fly.
Per the instructions in the Van's Fuel Tank Testing subkit, try Loktite #290 on the weeping rivets. Supposedly the stuff will wick itself into the rivet joint. Good luck with it.
I would fix by first inspecting with a dental mirror to see if the factory applied sealant to the shop heads inside the tank. Then clean the flange using scotch brite and acetone and apply tank sealant to the shop heads and possibly around the edge of the flange.
With a bit of effort and patience and some good nitrile gloves, it should be possible to do this by working through the filler, with the tank emptied of fuel. I don't think it will be necessary to remove the tank or cut an access hole in the rear baffle to do the repair.