
Well Known Member
Hello, my question is how much play should I allow for in the fuel line from the gasolator to the carb. I'll try my best to decribe what I have. Between the gasolator and the carb there is a distance of about 4 inches I have a tee fitting on the gasolator the tee is positioned horizontally the flared fittings going left and right. On the carb i have a 90 deg elbow pointing up towards the gasolator. The distance between the 2 is about 4 inches. I can atttach the two with rubber fuel line but i'm still concerned with there being enough flex there to accomadate engine movement. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
Where do you have your gascolator mounted? Is it mounted on the engine or engine mounts? Or is it mounted on the firewall? The reason I ask is that with only 4 inches it sounds like you have mounted it to the engine mount. It should probably be mounted on the firewall or someplace other than the engine or mounts to limit the vibration. To much vibration and the gascolator may not allow sediment and water to separate properly as it will be contstantly shaken any time the engine is running. Of course thats just my opinion and in the world of RV's anything is possible. Of cource the mechanics 43.13 says there should be 5-8% slack in any flexible line but in this case with vibration and a moving engine thats probably not enough.

Tom W
OK. Well if its on the firewall and its a very short run, what I would probably do if there are any doubts, is do a small service loop. That way there would be no chance of vibration, temperature change or pressure shortening (a flexible line gets shorter as pressure is applied) of the line having enough pressure applied to fitting to cause any damge.
Of course once again thats just my opinion and I am sure others on the forum may come up with some even better ideas.

Tom W
I'm confused.

What RV and engine is this? Where is the fuel pump in this scenario? Your fuel line should normally run from the gascolator to the fuel pump and then to the carb. Are you not running a mechanical fuel pump?
fuel line

More details its an RV3 old model no mechl fuel pump I do have a elec boost pump it has a fuselage tank and is gravith feed. Sorry for the confusion. I tinkered with it thia afternoon was able to take a braided fuel line and connect the two. I put a loop in the line seems like it should work. The only problem now is putting a fire sleeve around it.