
Well Known Member
Anyone tried testing the fuel lines before the forward skin/panel is put on while everything was open? I thought about putting tubing on the fuel line where it exits the fuselage and into a can of gas. Then activating the electric fuel pump and having the gas exit through the gascolating again with fittings and tubing attached. Precautions taken because of working with the volitility of the fuel. Maybe this isn't necessary, but it would save efforts if there was a fitting leak.
I am getting ready to do this in the next few weeks...also with the fwd top skin not in place. My plan is to not only check for fuel line leaks, but to validate the fuel flow volume to the carb on the O-360, and make a builders log entry for the fuel flow volume.

Also, this is the ideal time to measure and document the "unusable" amount of fuel from both tanks. The final task is to document the total fuel capacity for each tank.
I was thinking about this myself just yesterday, and I think I'm going to seal that system, pressurize it with air, and watch the pressure gauge over a couple of days.