
Active Member
I have seen how the horizontal injection engine fuel line is routed but haven?t seen how the vertical injection with Vetterman exhaust is routed :confused: It looks like the fuel line from the servo going up thru the inter cylinder baffle would run very close to the exhaust:eek:

Any suggestions from someone who has done a vertical injection with Vetterman exuaust?
I'll send some pictures

I routed my fuel line from the servo body aft and up to the fuel flow sensor. The sensor is mounted on the aft right side baffle. I then ran a short line Bonaco made for me from the fuel flow sensor across the top of the engine to the distribution block. I originally had planned to route it up through the baffle between the cylinders, but changed my plan to accomodate the red cube fuel flow device from AFS.

I'll see if I have pictures when I get home tonight. If not I'll try to snap some when I go to the hangar this weekend.

Good Luck,
My engine with AFP servo had the baffle cut for the hose and the hose made up, straight from Superior. The hose is fire-shielded and I used an adel clamp to keep it from touching exhaust or intake tubes. It's been just fine like that.
On that particular line, shortest is best. Run it right up between the cylinders, firesleeve it & secure it well then build on!
