I wasted several hours trying to put that fitting in yesterday, sure wish I had read FAR AHEAD and known to install it before putting on the bottom skin, but who is researching 28-06 when putting on bottom skin? Although you cannot see anything well, it appears that the flats on the nut are flat against the bottom skin and keeping it from turning! Like the hole was punched too low in the rib. I am thinking of perhaps wallowing the hole out a bit to get clearance on the nut.
Yes, it is a whole lot easier if done before the bottom skin is on. This is one of the tips that Joe published long ago, and his extensive lists of tips and gottas are invaluable. They should be bumped up to the top in the forums from time to time for the new builders. Here is a link.
I would not try to wallow out the hole. If you absolutely had to, you could take the corners off the nut, that is easily replaceable, don't screw up the bulkhead. But, the nut will turn without interference with that bottom flange. I had to grind a flat on the washer so that it would clear the flange, however. If you have to tighten the nut after all the pushrods, wiring and tubing are all in, you can still do it thru the access hole using an 11/16" crowfoot and a mini ratchet.

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I had not rounded the edge of the washer, since the washer is the same size as the points on the nut. I THINK what is going on, is that the washer is therefore cocking on the fitting, causiing the nut to stop turning, and me thinking it was catching on the flange. The nut appears to get tight, but the fitting is still loose in the rib. I can run the nut up on the fitting all the way by my fingers when out of the plane.
Grind flat on washer

I had not rounded the edge of the washer, since the washer is the same size as the points on the nut.
Try grinding a flat on the bottom of the washer so that it matches the flat of the nut or even slightly smaller. The washer needs to be flat on the bottom to prevent it from interfering with the radius of the bulkhead flange. The nut does not contact the radius of the flange because the washer spaces the nut out far enough.
Joe Gores
That was where the trouble was, I ground a good radius on the washers to match or exceed the radius of the flange, went right on, tighted up well, got that line all in now. Thanks guys.