
Well Known Member
The clear plastic lens cover has come off the mechanical fuel gauge on the top of the old baggage compartment fuel tank.
It doesn’t seem to be able to snap back in place.
Has anyone had this problem and possibly a solution?
Few months ago we had this problem with our 2011 model. The lense seems to blow off and end up somewhere in the back section. If we put it back on, happens again mid-flight. No great loss, since it was pretty fogged-up and somewhat difficult to read. Only solution I can see is to replace the entire fuel gauge unit, which IIRC was about $80 on the Van's store.

Not sure if it's coincidence or related, but around the same time I started to notice a moderate fuel smell, even with the air vents open. I wonder if fumes are leaking up through the gauge?

Also not sure if related, but our fuel pressure is now showing 16.6psi (the max) constantly :rolleyes:
I'm pretty sure that was the number, I'll double-check next time. It never changes, and looks like the max value, so I'm guessing its a sensor issue of some kind.