
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Fuel Flow Transducer (Red Cube, FT-60) – possible to repair?
My FT-60 failed after 177 hours – was installed between fuel servo and spider. Not isolated from heat – so probably this is the reason.
Mechanically everything looks good. Probably electronic parts were overheated.

Question – is this unit reparable? Can somebody exchange the electronical part of this unit?

It cost now around USD 250 so maybe would be worth to repair it. I suppose the most expensive is the mechanical part of this unit.

Infortunately no, unless its in the electrical connections to the airframe harness.
Credit Dan Horton for showing us this several years ago---all the internal electronics are potted.



  • Potted Electronics_zpsi7lkgjpc.jpg
    Potted Electronics_zpsi7lkgjpc.jpg
    174 KB · Views: 92
Are these the standard red cubes that come from Van’s? I did SDS EFI in my build so didn’t use them. I’ve been meaning to return them to Van’s but haven’t gotten around to it yet (need to quickly as my 2-yr window is coming to an end). I’ll gladly give you a good deal on one. Feel free to PM me.