
I'm New Here
We built an RV8A with the Superior IO-360 engine with 9.1 comp ratio, approx 195 HP at 2700 RPM. We are showing about 14.5 GPH on takeoff, full MP & full RPM during the initial takeoff. Should we not be showing more like 16 GPH?
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what kind of exhaust temps are you seeing?

You might have to adjust your K factor on the fuel flow. Although, it is usually not that far off. On my IO-360 standard pistons, ~185 hp, I am seeing simillar fuel flows. Fixed pitch or constant speed?
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I see about 17.5-18 gph, If I recall correctly about .1 gph/hp is the norm.
At an SFC of 0.5, and 100LL weighing 5.9 lb/gal, the fuel burn should be about 0.0847 gph/HP or 16.5 gph at 195 HP.
At sea level you might see 16.5 or even more, but at Grass Valley you are at a higher altitude = less MP = less power = less fuel burn on take off at full throttle. Check it out when you go to the bay area. Larry