
Active Member
I've researched the forum and can't seem to find what I am looking for. The Skyview we have on our RV12 shows gal/hr on our avionics panel, but appears to be a little high. In the EMS calibration there is the ability to change the pulses/gal which are supposed to be between 28,000 and 31,000. Do you increase or decrease that number to reduce the gal/hr shown on the panel? I haven't checked what number we have in there now - probably the default if there is one. Just checking to see if other RV12 owners out there can tell me what their pulses/gal are set to.

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Fuel flow

I have the red cube transducer and Skyview. The default K factor is 68000. I have mine set at 102000 IIR and it is very close to actual usage. If the flow is too high, increase the K factor number. The Dynon Skyview installation manual has the directions. Or it might be found in the Skyview operating manual. It took me 3 tries to get the flow to match the actual. Good luck:D

I just bumped up an old thread for you. Go to post 17 to see my calibration method, which has worked very well for me. I have the D-180, but I believe the SV also has a RETRN parameter, or one similar.

Once you have accounted for the average return flow, you can tweak the K factor to get the indication more close to perfect.

SV Installation Manual

I have the SkyView D1000 Screen in a standard ELSA RV-12.
This has only one "Red Cube", i.e no fuel flow sensor in the fuel return line.
The following numbers on the two lines in "Fuel Flow Calibration" seem to work OK fo me
PUL/GAL (PIN C37 P14) 124500
PUL/GAL (PIN C37 P19) 10000
I guess the number for P19 does not matter, but the unit will not accept a zero value.
Thanks Tony - now I know where to find it in the manual.


After a single 3 hour cross country leg, I used the above formula from the Skyview Users Manual and it nailed it perfect. Flew and checked two more 3 hour legs and no follow up adjustment was even necessary.

Before applying the correction, upon landing, just make sure your fuel tank is filled at the same level as when you started, to get a very accurate reading of the actual fuel consumed.
My typical cruise settings yield 4.5 GPH, so I adjusted mine in flight to read 4.5 GPH, and my totalizer reads within a couple of tenths of a gallon compared to actual burn after a three hour X-country.