
Well Known Member
Hopefully the brain trust here can help.

When you install the fuel pump in the center area on the RV14 the plans have you screw in a little filter screen on the fuel pump.

My caution light is going off about that. Mostly because the screen / filter is very small and on a new build seems like it could be trouble.

What have other done for fuel filters.

Or is my caution light misfiring?

Thanks in advance, Larry
I am not sure which fuel filter you are referring to, if it is the one that comes with Andair fuel pump, and it is small, then I would say it ought to be of no concern as this fuel filter is standard and has been used in many many installation where Andair pump has been used. It is fully capable of providing the fuel that is needed for a RV14 engine. Of course if this is your concern and not some thing else.

Hope this helps.

That is the one I was referring to. Maybe just over thinking it. Thanks for your comment! Larry

I am not sure which fuel filter you are referring to, if it is the one that comes with Andair fuel pump, and it is small, then I would say it ought to be of no concern as this fuel filter is standard and has been used in many many installation where Andair pump has been used. It is fully capable of providing the fuel that is needed for a RV14 engine. Of course if this is your concern and not some thing else.

Hope this helps.
This is what mine looks like. Doesn't seem small to me....

But then again, never installed a fuel filter before!
