
Plan to install air performance fuel filter in bay with fuel valve (went andair…beautiful). Plans have filter mounted to floor….Seems like there would be a benefit to having the filter an inch or so off the floor so that a small catch basin could be placed underneath when inspecting/cleaning filter.

Any thoughts on a good mounting solution for future proofing operational issues with inspecting/cleaning filter. Just trying to think ahead.

RV 8 quick build in process
The stock mounting plate does raise the filter up alittle. So you can make alittle tub to catch the fuel when needed.

I was very worried about this also. If you turn the selector to the off position on the last shut down before servicing, and let the engine run until it quits, there is very little fuel runout...
Wing roots. No need to worry about spilled fuel and easy to access during your condition inspection.
Another way to skin the cat.
