
Well Known Member
Can someone tell me how to check the fuel filter for the annual on the RV-14? I'm not sure what to check for, or if there is anything to do to clean it. Thanks.
If I recall correctly, you have to cut the small dia. safety wire then it unscrews and the screen is removable for cleaning if needed. I think this was the unit that I needed to purchase smaller dia. safety wire for, bad memory, but I would know if I was looking at the unit.
I asked the Andair rep at Oshkosh about this and he showed how to disassemble the filter and you can then clean and reassemble it. If in doubt you might email them (if you didn't receive any service instructions with it). The filter uses o-rings to seal it so make sure it is in good shape and do a careful leak check after reassembly. Andair told me new o-rings are available thru A/C Spruce if needed.
There are two if you are fuel injected. One on the suction side of the fuel pump if you have the Andair unit and one in the FI unit bolted to the intake manifold. In my RV-8 the first one is under the left subpanel under the fuel selector switch.
Stoney, After a year of flying, I am curious what if any debris you found in your fuel filter. Any surprises? How many hours?

Greg Novotny:D
RV14ZP 140209
Phase 1
Tacoma Narrows Airport
Gig Harbor, WA
Dues always gladly paid

We pulled the filter on my -6 after 2 hours, found a very small amount of debris, but nothing concerning. Checked it at the last 6 annuals and haven't found a thing. Will keep checking anyway.
Finding a bit of debris after adding fuel the first time and doing the pre first flight fuel system flush is not unusual. Neither is finding some after a few hours of have been flown.

Regardless of the care taken when building the tanks and assembling the fuel system there will always be a bit of stuff that gets missed.

It is also common that after this initial flushing to never find anything in the screens again.