
Well Known Member
In my haste to fly the RV9A, I fueled up the plane when I should have placed 1.8 gallons at a time to calibrate the Chelton EFIS based on the capacitor sensor in each wing. I know this is a long shot but by any chance does anyone else have the data for the Chelton sensor value, in increments of 1.8 gallons, to total 18 gallons in each wing so I can manually input the data? I would be ever so grateful if you would share.
Chelton EFIS
Grand Rapids Technology EIS 4000
Van's in tank capacitors using Electronic International (IEP-300C Vans part number) with the EI IMC-V converter on the coax style connector.

I took this week off to fly the plane for the first time but have run up against the gremlins holding me back. Including calling Van's for a fuel capacitor converter over nighted that is not sold in the capacitor kit but is required, data input was incorrect (self imposed), tires low (removed fairings) and three oil leaks after start up. Yes, we pulled everything off the engine and replaced all the gaskets tonight. NASCAR pit crews would be amazed. Also pulled all the interior and flooring out to add a power wire for each wing tank converter thru the wing root fairing thru the floor and up to the EIS plug where I will splice the power into pin 25 blue wire that is the 4.8v wire that also feeds the oil pressure sensor info to the EIS. Yep, appears that we are never done on these planes. Hopefully the final act is to calibrate the tanks using donated data. Will let you know if we get in the air this week.

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX

Plane 600 miles north in Wichita, KS. I have been commuting to finish this up due to job relocation. Been a lot of driving miles and really want to get phase I completed and get it home. (Not so drastic since the grandchildren are in ICT).
Will do this the right way after burning off some fuel this afternoon on first flight. Can drain remaining fuel and begin to calibrate this by the book.
Pat Garboden