Well Known Member

I am snapping the middle tongue of these fuel brackets off with very little pressure during installation of the fuel line - 8 so far. That is not the big problem, its drilling out the blind rivets... Has anyone solved this fuel line attachment another way - adel clamp or similar?

I had no issues at all. They should work very well.

This may seem obvious but do you have them in upside down?

I assumed that the top opening is meant for an optional return line because it is a smaller diameter than the bottom opening. See page 31-02
I broke one of mine. I used a corner of my plans binder as the materials were similar to fabricate another. Make sure the bolt holes are large enough as I believe that is what broke mine.
The fuel brackets are correctly oriented. The fuel line is a snudge short so pressure is being placed on the brackets sideways during installation and they just snap. I could make another line but think that a different type of mount would work just as well. I will continue to explore.

Just a plug for Tom and Steve's prefab lines. Absolute perfect fit, could not have been a spec better. Easy drop in installation and then wrestling with the tiny screws inside the ribs to secure the second half of the clips, but no broken ones.

Thanks for the words. It's been a really popular package and a lot of fun to develop.

The fuselage to wing tank rigid lines are also done and fabricated. Waiting on the work bench for the first customer who wants a set at a discounted rate to beta test their fit.

Happy building,