
Well Known Member
Does anyone have experience with using the Alcor TCP additive for reducing lead deposits?
Worked Well in Our Cessna 150

Almost mandatory for the O200 engine if you were using 100LL ---- seems like it was off the market for awhile. Glad to see it back.

TCP Use it all the time

Here is what I use.
Have not seen any lead balls in my plugs. Last year when I pulled my cylinders to comply with the ECI Service bulletin my piston surfaces were very clean. My neigbhor had pulled one of his cylinders and there was about a 1/16th to 1/8" build up on his piston surface. I asked him if he was using TCP and he said nope. After learning that my cylinders were clean and had almost to the hour the same time on them, he ordered some of the Decalin. I can not say with certainy that TCP is why mine were so clean vs his.
I used it for years in my old Stinson, if I failed to put it in, plugs would foul really fast.

I suspect the 5.5 compression ratio had something to do with it-------less heat generated, so the lead could precipitate out???
I have a friend with a low compression O-320, RV-6. Every year I spent much of the annual condition time cleaning out the lead balls. I finally convinced him to use Decalin. The lead balls are very minimal now.
I also use Decalin in my 9.5:1, O-320. It helps!
I used TCP

in my 0-320 150 HP Cherokee. Don't know how much it helped since I routinely had plugs foul. Maybe it would have been worse without it.
I use it in my C-152 with a Lyc 0-235 which is famous for its lead fouling. It helps immensely.

Interesting that Vans originally recommended TCP/Dec when using AVGas but retracted that. Don't know if because of high compression (10.5) in Rotax 912ULS or simply because Rotax does not endorse. Instead they mandate 25 hour oil changes. Any other reason why they would recommend against it?
I was under the impression that Rotax recommended the decalin but not the TCP. Many of the CT owners use decalin when running 100LL.
I used to use TCP in my C-85. There was a huge difference in the amount of lead deposits on the plugs for the couple of years TCP was not available.
TCP and brass fuel valve

I used TCP with out fail in my O-320D3G Long-EZ for over15 yrs. It made a huge difference in plugs. The other HUGE difference was in the brass fuel selector valve. The Vans provided valve is the same as the EZ's. They are notorious for sticking after a fee years of use. Running TCP in the fuel ALWAYS freed up that valve. Don't know why, but it does.
During my annual last August, I noted that all the bottom plugs on my Hi-Compression O-290-D2 had lots of lead balls down in the wells. So for the last ten months I've been adding TCP at each fillup. I pulled the bottom plugs today and they had just as much lead fouling as before, only not balls so much, but rather chunks. I dug them out with some .040" safety wire, then blasted with black diamond. So for me, TCP didn't do anything that I can see. I learned that I need to clean my plugs at least every six months, though.
The Decalin RunUp has good reviews at Aircraft Spruce. Before I try it, though, an RV-6 friend advised me to switch to UREM37BY plugs on the bottom.

I met Chris Lowery the developer of Decalin Runup many years ago, and he's a brilliant chemist, and super-nice guy. He developed Decalin to address the serious health and environmental concerns about lead and TCP. He flies a Glastar with a subie, but we should not hold that against him. :D
Jabiru does not recommend any additives but those who use it on their Jab engines are very pleased with the results. My relatively new engine is now out of warranty so I started using it.
In my 160hp O320 I had to clean the plugs every 15-20 hrs due to lead fouling (only the bottoms were a problem but I would clean them all). I switched the bottom plugs to the 37BY's and went over 100 hrs/year to my annual before cleaning them for the 4 years I had the plane. I run them in my O360 now and fly about 125 hrs/year before cleaning them during my annual inspection. No issues in the 270 hrs since finishing my 7.
TCP really helps

I have a Lycoming O-360 in my RV4 and had terrible problems with fouled plugs. And yes, we lean aggressively on the ground and in the air.

Plugs would foul every few flights, sometimes would clear with a "burnout" and sometimes would require de-cowling and cleaning a bottom plug. A real PITA

Started using Alcor TCP about a month ago and the improvement has been remarkable. Not even one incident of a rough cylinder during mag checks.