
Well Known Member
I’ve taken my time on my condition inspection as it has been so hot here in Arizona. Today I replaced my battery (3 years old) and performed a carb-sync, I noticed my fuel flow was reading zero and continued to read zero in the time I spent on the carb sync.

I’ll reopen the inspection plates by it and give it a tap, if that doesn’t work, are these units serviceable ? Can I just undo the Allen bolts on the side and take the parts out to give them a good wash ?

Thanks all


The fuel flow transducer is manufactured by Electronics International, Bend, OR. The units are warrantied for one year.

The side screws you refer to are not to be removed by the owner. That would void any warranty. Also if you send it to the manufacturer they would have a dim view, if it had been opened. There is nothing in there that can be serviced by a typical owner.
Hi thanks - it’s well out of warranty, it’s about 3 years old now.

I’m going to try rinsing it with a syringe with mineral spirits, I bet that the mogas has left varnishing residue and has just stuck the wheel.
Mine also gave up and another on order. 160 hrs on an RV-14A installed as per Van's instructions. Disappointed.
When mine quit I messed with it a lot till I bought a new one. When you rinse it out to determine if it’s working again blow through the fitting and it will sound like a gazoo. If there is no sound it’s likely done.

I tapped rinsed and tried anything but had to buy a new one. I want to take my old one apart to see the I inside but I couldn’t get those fasteners loose. Good luck with yours.
My friend's wasn't working at 120.1 hrs on it, in Dec of 2018, and his plane had been run on 100LL almost exclusively, for about 3 years. His RV-12 was airworthy in January of 2016.
Dan Horton did surgery on one several years ago--pretty sure that thread is on here somewhere.
Nothing serviceable--\

Don’t be such a cheap skate, Julian! 😱 Just buy another one. 😝 I’m sending to college the kids of the guy who makes EGT probes and oil pressure sensors!😜

We need to get together again and do another RON in KIFP. You were a big hit with the blue hairs!😎
We do ! Those trips are fun ! And it’s starting to cool down.

I pulled the FT-60 out today’s and it’s spinning but not creating a pulse (I also tested at home with a power source and a scope).

I’ll order one tomorrow.

Thanks all for the advice

I have the other version - -

I have stated this before. I called the supplier and they instructed me to fill it 3/4 full of carb cleaner and shake it vigorously for a couple minutes. I had success with doing that for a couple times. Then mine got to where it was still reading low. On my own I used carb cleaner, then filled 1/2 full of WD-40 and shook it the same way. That REALLY worked well. I have not had mine out for at least 2 years. Works very well. This is just my experience. Worth trying. Not very costly to try. Would like to hear others results from this method.
I have stated this before. I called the supplier and they instructed me to fill it 3/4 full of carb cleaner and shake it vigorously for a couple minutes. I had success with doing that for a couple times. Then mine got to where it was still reading low. On my own I used carb cleaner, then filled 1/2 full of WD-40 and shook it the same way. That REALLY worked well. I have not had mine out for at least 2 years. Works very well. This is just my experience. Worth trying. Not very costly to try. Would like to hear others results from this method.

What is "the other version" ???

Try it a few times. Shake the snot out of it with carb cleaner. Then WD-40 If you use a light air flow from an air gun, does it read anything then ? If it is really stuck, might want to let it set in Carb cleaner over night. ( nothing to lose huh ! )