
Well Known Member
I was unable to find on the Skyview map the FSS Radio Frequencies (Those displayed on the top of blue communication boxes on the sectional maps). Is there any way to get these frequencies on Skyview? Which brings the additional question: is it legal to fly without current paper sectional maps with Skyview?
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I could not find the frequencies for the ASOS and AWOS either. I loaded all the airport data, diagrams, and charts, but they are not there that I can find.

I believe that if you have the most current version loaded into the stick, you are legal.
Use the Nearest Button

When on the map page, press nearest button. The pop-up window contains tabs for wx, atc, fss, etc. I have never paid any attention to see if freq boxes were on the charts, it's to easy to find them in the menus.
Hope that helps
When on the map page, press nearest button. The pop-up window contains tabs for wx, atc, fss, etc. I have never paid any attention to see if freq boxes were on the charts, it's to easy to find them in the menus.
Hope that helps

Nope, no fss or "blue box" frequencies on airport data from the pop-up window, just regular airport communication frequencies like AWOS, CTAF, Approach etc...
Nope, no fss or "blue box" frequencies on airport data from the pop-up window, just regular airport communication frequencies like AWOS, CTAF, Approach etc...

I am not talking about the popup window when hovering on an airport on the map. I am pressing the nearest button. Just to be clear. Do you have the usb stick with all the data on it from Seattle Avionics?
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As Bob says, the FSS and ATC frequencies are in the NRST list. They are not per-airport, so they aren't in the airport info window.

The airport should have all AWOS/ASOS/ATIS frequencies listed. Go to the airport then the COMMS tab.

Of course, nowadays you could get a Seattle Avionics sectional subscription and just look at the sectional on the screen too!
Which brings the additional question: is it legal to fly without current paper sectional maps with Skyview?

There is no legal requirement to have sectional maps with you when you fly, regardless of whether you have Skyview or not. At least not for VFR; I know nothing about IFR requirements.
As Bob says, the FSS and ATC frequencies are in the NRST list. They are not per-airport, so they aren't in the airport info window.

The airport should have all AWOS/ASOS/ATIS frequencies listed. Go to the airport then the COMMS tab.

Of course, nowadays you could get a Seattle Avionics sectional subscription and just look at the sectional on the screen too!

My mistake, I did not look at the NRST when looking for FSS frequencies. Will NRST provide RCO fss frequencies?
There is no legal requirement to have sectional maps with you when you fly, regardless of whether you have Skyview or not. At least not for VFR; I know nothing about IFR requirements.

Thanks, good to know (although I feel it's bad to do!). My training for getting my Sport Pilot ticket left me under this impression, in hindsight I figure it was just to look good with the examiner!:D

Anyway, with Skyview update is free so, no excuse!
I've been under the impression electronic charts meet the requirement. The FARs seem to allow other than paper form:

?91.503Flying equipment and oper-
ating information.
(a) The pilot in command of an air-
plane shall ensure that the following
flying equipment and aeronautical
charts and data, in current and appro-
priate form, are accessible for each
flight at the pilot station of the air-
The airport should have all AWOS/ASOS/ATIS frequencies listed. Go to the airport then the COMMS tab.

Not true, unless I am missing something. Where I live (Indy), both the Greenwood (KHFY) and Bloomington (KBMG) airports have AWOS. Whether I go to the Nearest button, or hover over the airport, the AWOS frequency does not show up.

Can you check this? Thanks.
The ATIS/WX frequences are not in the nearest list, they are under the airport info then the COMS tab. KHFY:


KBMG isn't listed because their ASOS is 110.2, which we filter out since it isn't in the COM band, it's a VOR frequency. I'll look into changing this. Any ASOS/AWOS/ATIS that can be recieved via a COM radio should be listed. Here's KPSP:


And just to clear it up, here are screen shots of the NRST FSS and ATC:
