
I'm New Here
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has tried the RV-6 aircraft add on for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. The model was designed by Brian Gladden as I recall.

If anyone has tried that add on, and has also flown the real RV-6 aircraft, I would be very interested to hear your views on what you think of it and whether it is realistic in terms of flight dnynamics and performance?


I'm interested

No, I haven't used the add-on, but I'm certainly interested. Where does one pick it up?
Years ago, I sent Brian some pics of RV cockpits, but I don't remember much about the model. The RV7 from FlightFactory (as I remember the name), was also available; and quite good. It's been discussed here before, and no longer available.

Overall, in terms of some of the best flight dynamics available for desktop flight simming, is the RealAir Simulations Marchetti SF260. Not exactly an RV of course, but it does have a sliding canopy, side by side seating, low wings. and aerobatic capabilities along the lines of RV's. Both the FS2004 & FSX models are very good; while the FSX version offers a few additional enhancements.


No, I haven't used the add-on, but I'm certainly interested. Where does one pick it up?

Hi there, thanks for your messages. You may get a download copy of this add on at the following link: http://www.abacuspub.com/fsd/catalog/s605.htm

I find it quite a nice add in terms of flight dynamics and performance, but I am interested to know (from someone who has flown the real RV-6), whether or not the flight dynamics and performance as depicted in that add on is realistic? Its the only payware add on of a Vans aircraft (other than the RV-7 of Flight Factory Simulations, which I have never tried) that I could find. If anyone knows of any more payware or other realistic Vans aircraft add ons for FS2004 let me know.

Also, I have experimented in this add on by holding down the brakes and adding full power and see that the aircraft noses over into the ground / causing a propeller strike - is that in reality what happens to the actual aircraft when you do that?



PS If anyone knows where I can get a copy of the RV-7 add on for FS2004 by Flight Factory Simulations, please let me know. I know that the company who made it closed down some time ago and this addon is now very difficult to obtain.
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It is impossible to obtain. I have the CD, but I can't reinstall it because there is a final registration step that requires their now-nonexistent server to complete. Without it, there is no way to unlock the panel and their config/maintenance application. I just hope the old PC with FS2004 keeps going until BayTower gets his version complete...

Check out www.baytower.ca to see what may be the next awesome addon.
Also, I have experimented in this add on by holding down the brakes and adding full power and see that the aircraft noses over into the ground / causing a propeller strike - is that in reality what happens to the actual aircraft when you do that?
I've been flying RVs for over 20 years. If you try a full power run-up with the flaps down, then yes, you can flip the nose down and cause a prop strike. With the flaps up and the elevator up, as they should be, you can run up to full power and hold the tail on the ground with no problem.
Years ago, I sent Brian some pics of RV cockpits, but I don't remember much about the model. The RV7 from FlightFactory (as I remember the name), was also available; and quite good. It's been discussed here before, and no longer available.

Overall, in terms of some of the best flight dynamics available for desktop flight simming, is the RealAir Simulations Marchetti SF260. Not exactly an RV of course, but it does have a sliding canopy, side by side seating, low wings. and aerobatic capabilities along the lines of RV's. Both the FS2004 & FSX models are very good; while the FSX version offers a few additional enhancements.


I emailed Real Air Sims asking about RV models.
They answered, saying they had none and had no plans to do any, at the present time.
It would seem that there's some demand for all RV add ons for MS FS?
Has anyone tried this?

Please can someone, who is a pilot and has flown the actual RV-6, kindly try this add on and tell me what they think of it:


It is a payware add on, but you can try it for free for 7 days.

All I want to know if this is realistic in terms of performance, handling and flight dynamics. The cockpit might look not so great, but i am only intersted in the handling and performance dynamics.


I emailed Real Air Sims asking about RV models.
They answered, saying they had none and had no plans to do any, at the present time.
It would seem that there's some demand for all RV add ons for MS FS?

A good add on, will usually sell around 6,000 copies. At least that's an old number I seem to remember. I doubt that an RV would sell enough. I'd even guess that many on this forum, don't even use desktop simulations.

Please can someone, who is a pilot and has flown the actual RV-6, kindly try this add on and tell me what they think of it:

Quickie review......

Airframe & cockpit is rather "simplistic" compared to today's offerings.

Brakes do seem much too touchy, as it wants to nose over, much too easily; even at low engine rpms & full aft stick.

It appears to leap off the ground too soon. RV's are quick, but not this quick! I'd say one more second would be better.

The landing actually "felt" quite good, and I enjoyed it. I carried a bit of power just in case. Once on the runway, I let it roll out until almost stopped. Then did some quick bleeping on the brakes, as I didn't want it to nose over.

Other quick observations:

RV's that I'm use too, need less rudder to keep coordinated.

I don't have enough time at the moment to compare performace numbers.

Amount of right rudder on takeoff, is subjective due to MSFS and personal controllers. However, it did take right rudder, and doesn't wander.

Roll rate might be a tad slow, but it's been years since I've rolled an RV.

And BTW-- I've never flown a 6 tail dragger. Just 6A's & 9A's. Taildragging experience is a Maule & Pitt's S2B.

A good add on, will usually sell around 6,000 copies. At least that's an old number I seem to remember. I doubt that an RV would sell enough. I'd even guess that many on this forum, don't even use desktop simulations.


It seems that requests looking for an RV add on appear from time to time.
RVs surely must be more popular than some of the models I've seen offered!
This web page... http://www.geocities.com/sf260f/SF260s/MP.html ...shows about 1000 SIAI-Marchetti SF260's (RealAir's model) have been built, with 80-90 on the US registry. Don't know if this is accurate...didn't spend alot of research time on it.
I wonder, once the word was out, just how many would want RV add ons? Wonder how many guys do use the flight sims?

I use MS FSX.
Found some "rough" FS2004 RV add ons (RV4,RV6 & an RV8) for it.
Was able to repaint, with my scheme, and get some basic, operable flight and nav instruments to work.

These "leap" off the runway too fast also....still have bugs.
Don't have a clue what I'm doing, but it's fun.
FFS RV-7 note

It is impossible to obtain. I have the CD, but I can't reinstall it because there is a final registration step that requires their now-nonexistent server to complete. Without it, there is no way to unlock the panel and their config/maintenance application. I just hope the old PC with FS2004 keeps going until BayTower gets his version complete...

Check out www.baytower.ca to see what may be the next awesome addon.

My version didn't need their server. I just re-used the keycode that they had emailed me, I believe.

If you kept your registration information from your original purchase, you should be good to go.

Install it, start FS2004, and (IIRC) under aircraft pick the FFS item off the menu. You should be able to enter the key code there.

I had to do this earlier this year when I upgraded PCs, it worked for me.