Mike K

Left the plane on the ramp last night for a few hours while at a family dinner and found light frost on the wings and canopy when I returned to fly home. I was able to clean off the wings and the majority on the canopy with a towel. Was thinking about carrying a can of automotive spray can of deicer to do the job in the future. Any thoughts?
What is in the spray can of deicer? I would worry about spraying a chemical on my canopy. I think I would try just pouring a bottle of water on it just before you start the engine. Let the prop blast blow the moisture off.
This is what I use in Michigan to get the ice off my truck windshield. It works great for frost and pretty good on thick ice. I dont know if it will mess with the canopy so buyer beware. It will work on the rest of the plane to make sure the frost is off.

Edit: if it is bad to get alcohol on your canopy, dont. Vans instructions say isoprohpyl alcohol is ok, concentrated alcohol is not. I have no idea the concentration in the Prestone product, so user beware. About the worst job on a plane would be to replace the canopy. I know how fun that is.
It will work well on the rest of your plane.

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What about carrying TKS fluid or get some de-icing fluid from the line guys at some of the larger airports?

We had frost on our wings the other night, we soaked some rags in fluid from the truck and it wiped it right off. I'm sure it was propylene-glycol based, like RV (camper) winterizing coolant, food safe stuff, dowfrost, etc.
Take a zip
Lock bag w hot water in It and wipe it over the frosted surface and it’ll melt away the frost. No transfer of anything so it can’t hurt anything.

Hope this helps
Location Location Location

Don't live where frost or snow or ice are a problem...

Came back to my 7 the other night after visiting relatives to find it covered in frost. I used simple winter car windshield wash and a micro fibre towel. All frost melted, and stayed liquid. No issues on the canopy.