Audrey Reeves

WOW! Just like that, from little helper to engaged! Congratulations to the whole family! We?re proud of her!
Congrats !!!

We?ve watched her grow up right here. Thanks Doug for sharing your life with us!
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Go Audrey ....up yours Coronovirus, I love it! Stay positive everyone, we will get thru this. Good to hear great news and life goes on.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news with us.

Congrats to Audrey and both families.
She saw the site and texted me back with:

"Up yours Coronovirus!!!"

Here here! Thanks for the kind words folks. She's a wonderful daughter and I'm lucky to have her in my life.

And you just got over telling her not to run in the house.
Time flies and life is a vapor. Thank you Doug and Audrey for being part of our lives over the last 10 years.
Congratulations to all involved. Crazy how fast they grow up and then also make us realize how short life is. Enjoy every minute
Outstanding news for young Audrey! Well, maybe not that young!

I wish you and your expanding family the best Doug!
Have you......

Have you taken the young man flying, and you know....scared him, just a little bit - so he knows the "power dynamic".

Just a little bit...........
Congrats both of you.
Doug - My daughter married last month, on leap day! I have an odd sense of accomplishment, like, that?s how it?s supposed to go, must have done something right!

Good job.
Ha! You saw the writing on the wall, didn't you, DR? Side job for food, retirement, and Tate's tuition? Nah, you needed a dowry!

Congrats to our favorite virtual daughter and her most loving family, great times await you all.
And now I understand why Doug is taking on all these "side jobs"...he knew he'd have a wedding to pay for. Been there done that. They are expensive!
Congratulation Doug..

I know the feeling, having my daughter hold the 3/8 wrench on the Horizontal stab bolts (-4) when she was 10....and then getting married a couple years ago. Have not met any of you but feel a connection of are the grandkids looking for a ride with Grampa ! :D