
Well Known Member
I know this has been asked a number of times, but it still concerns me. (I just don't want it to pop out.)

Per Dan H's recomendations I cleaned it good with MEK and placed a small beed of Loctite 515 into the recess of the shoulder. Because it was convenient I had a buddy turn down a peice of scrap metal that easily fits inside the crank to act as a drift. (To make sure I was hitting it flat)





You can see the tooling marks from the drift in the center of the plug where it is definately flat. The flatness extends a little beyond the tooling marks but its tough to see in the picture.

Do I need to man up and get a bigger hammer or is this what I should expect? How hard can you hit this without messing up something else. Maybe I'm just a little nervous, but it just feels weird hammering on the front of a new engine.

Just FYI, I did not puncture the rear plug but am leaving the prop line installed with the correct govenor cover. (Per Aerosport)

