
Well Known Member
With Paul Dye's RV8 debut (Glorious looking aircraft) and his revealling the origins of his callsign, 'Ironflight', it is timely for me to reveal the origins of my callsign in the hope that others will follow.

Long, long ago, when I was flying rubber dog sh...... Well, it was passengers in B777s actually, out of Hong Kong, my eldest son received an email from his young brother at boarding school in Aus. with the PS. "How's the Funky Old Dude With Wings and Toys?"

Well, the Funky Old Dude bit stuck and I am now referred to as FOD.
Hence, FODRV7
Now let's hear it.
From where the callsign?

Long ago in a galaxy far, far, away.... wait wrong story.... learned to fly gliders here in Ottawa about 11 years ago,, I'm a fairly big lad (6'2 240) so I could only fly the "blanik"... long story short, flap and spoiler handles are almost co-located, short final, pulled on flap instead of spoiler, floated, got back down and left a huge Skidmark in the grass so I didn't hit the trees :)

skidmk said:
Long ago in a galaxy far, far, away.... wait wrong story.... learned to fly gliders here in Ottawa about 11 years ago,, I'm a fairly big lad (6'2 240) so I could only fly the "blanik"... long story short, flap and spoiler handles are almost co-located, short final, pulled on flap instead of spoiler, floated, got back down and left a huge Skidmark in the grass so I didn't hit the trees :)

So, you are saying it has nothing to do with underwear :)


Classic Skidmk.
Love the Blanik. Only Aircraft I have flown that would dive vertically (With the Speedbrakes out) and not exceed the VNE.
underpants?? what the **** are those ;)

nope,, intentially did a nice long loop with lots of marks in the grass... nice thing about glider wing tips... they have "skid" protection

yessir.. blanik,,, the only glider that resembled a B17 hahahaha

It's true that a Blanik won't exceed VNE with the dive brakes out...but a 2-33 won't exceed VNE with the dive brakes in! Having flown both the 2-33 then Blanik daily as an instructor at the Air Force Academy, I prefer the 2-33.

Now, if you buy me a beer, I'll tell you how I got my callsign.

Jay aka milfer
fodrv7 said:
Beer's in the mail.
Now! What is a 2-33.
Got a pic.
I got my glider pilot licence on these with the Air Cadets as a teenager...

No great mystery...

Take a look at my last name and you'll have no trouble in understanding why I was dubbed "Cracker" by my squadron mates...

Schweizer (?sp) 2-32 is clean enough but won't exceed VNE with brakes out going st. down. Flew it at Black Forest in CO in '69 - nice machine. Bill