
Well Known Member
"2016 Calendar in jeopardy!

Van’s has printed a calendar every year for the last couple of decades. It’s a fun project –we don’t make any money on it, but everybody likes seeing excellent photos of RVs from all over the world. Getting your airplane in the calendar has become something of a bragging point.

But all that may go away this year. We simply haven’t gotten the submissions we need. Right now we have about six real calendar-quality possibilities, and there’s thirteen slots. If we can get the rest by the last week of October we can still make it work. After that…

Well, it would be a shame to let a fun tradition die."
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I am not sure. The way van's is about modifying his kits, my guess is no. Although, I did see a picture on the front cover of the calendar a few years back of an RV-6 that has a 540 in it. I sent pics of my old plane.

You could post on their facebook page and get an answer for us. I don't have a facebook account.
Geez, we sure did our part from our epic adventure this past April.
Does anyone know if the 2016 calendar is going to be available? Seems to me this is about the time I normally order a couple, but I don't see it available yet.
I was told by someone at Vans that there will be an announcement on their facebook page as soon as it is available. So it sounds like they got enough pics this year.
I'm not the only scaredy cat? apparently most of the other 8,000 fliers are also too intimidated to send anything .....except a photo of their plane upside down, smoke on.... in tight 1 metre formation with an F-18, helmet visor sparkling in the setting sun, rainbow in the background, over a field of grazing unicorns! :)

(...I do have this shot, but there's a 1/8" scuff on one wheelpant, and the tires are clearly not Armourall' it was rejected immediately!) :eek: apparently most of the other 8,000 fliers are also too intimidated to send anything .....except a photo of their plane upside down, smoke on.... in tight 1 metre formation with an F-18, helmet visor sparkling in the setting sun, rainbow in the background, over a field of grazing unicorns! :)

(...I do have this shot, but there's a 1/8" scuff on one wheelpant, and the tires are clearly not Armourall' it was rejected immediately!) :eek:

Dang! I must have forgotten the unicorns... apparently most of the other 8,000 fliers are also too intimidated to send anything .....except a photo of their plane upside down, smoke on.... in tight 1 metre formation with an F-18, helmet visor sparkling in the setting sun, rainbow in the background, over a field of grazing unicorns! :)

(...I do have this shot, but there's a 1/8" scuff on one wheelpant, and the tires are clearly not Armourall' it was rejected immediately!) :eek:


OK good, I'm glad
a) I'm not the only one who's been "rejected" and
b) I'll get my 2016 calendar sooner or later!
